Dental bridges are a great solution for those who are missing several teeth. Made from porcelain, these dental prosthetics consist of several natural-looking dental crowns fused to create a brand-new set of teeth, restoring function, and filling unsightly gaps in your smile.

There are many reasons why people lose teeth. Trauma and illness can cause tooth loss, as can decay or damage brought about by a lack of oral care. Whatever the reason for losing teeth, replacing them is crucial for ensuring full mouth functionality. If you have been unlucky enough to lose several teeth, a dental bridge is the best option for replacing them. However, it’s important to remember that even though dental bridges don’t contain real teeth, maintaining oral hygiene and care is just as critical as it would be for natural teeth. Dental bridges can last for 15 to 20 years with proper care, so it’s absolutely in your best interest to keep them in good condition. Let’s look at some of the ways to make sure your dental bridge lasts if possible.

Adjust Your Diet

Unfortunately, after having a dental bridge placed, there are a few foods you should avoid. While for the most part, you can eat normally, we suggest avoiding very sticky foods and foods that are excessively hard and crunchy. Treats like peanut brittle or toffee can get stuck to the bridge, and small particles can become trapped under or behind the bridge. This then becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, which can cause gum disease in addition to damaging the teeth surrounding your bridge. If this occurs, it may necessitate having an additional bridge made, as the neighbouring teeth will support the bridge itself. If they suffer damage, the whole structure of your dental bridge is at risk.

We also recommend avoiding excessively hard or crunchy foods. Hard sweets, nuts, crisps, and even ice should all be approached with caution. While dental bridges are strong and sturdy, they can be damaged by hard chunks of food. If you do happen to damage your dental bridge, it is essential to replace it immediately, or you risk bacterial growth and decay around the damaged site.

Lastly, while popcorn is a quick, convenient, and tasty snack, unfortunately, it can also cause damage to your bridge. Popcorn kernels and bits of skin can easily get stuck between your bridge and gum, which again leads to decay and possible gum disease.

Keep Your Dental Bridge Clean

Just like your real teeth, dental bridges and crowns require care and cleaning. Keeping up with your twice-daily brushing is crucial, as is using a good antibacterial mouthwash. We suggest that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush or denture brush so as not to damage the surface of your dental crowns. Additionally, be sure to use toothpaste that is designed for use on dentures or dental crowns; some regular toothpaste can be abrasive and harmful to the porcelain of your crowns. We also recommend using an interdental brush if you struggle to floss the area around your dental bridge. If you choose a removable dental bridge for your treatment, it should be taken out for cleaning every night. Be sure to wash and rinse with cool water, as hot water can damage the structure of your bridge. Never leave your removable bridge in water overnight, as the metal attachments could rust.

Avoid Drinks That Cause Staining

Keeping up with your daily cleanings is even more important if you can’t live without your daily dose of caffeine. Tea, coffee, and even soda are all notorious for causing staining, both to your natural teeth and to dental crowns. While we understand that giving up coffee or tea completely is a monumental challenge, it will improve the lifespan of your dental bridge. If you can’t quite bring yourself to sacrifice your daily cuppa, be sure to thoroughly rinse and clean your mouth afterward to reduce the likelihood of staining.

How Can We Help?

A big part of ensuring the longevity of your dental prosthetics is making time not only to clean them but also to go for frequent check-ups so any minor issues can be corrected quickly. Professor Ironside will see you through the entire process of having a dental bridge put in, all the way from your very first appointment to your follow-up appointments, cleanings, and check-ups.

To learn more about bridges and crowns, please have a look here. To schedule an appointment, please call (02) 9267 3495 or get in touch here.