Professional teeth whitening is an effective cosmetic treatment.

Teeth whitening is a popular way to make teeth whiter and brighter. For the best possible results, it should be performed at your dentist’s office. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for everyone’s needs — the treatment that is right for your will depend on the type of stains that you are struggling with, your oral health habits and dietary choices. Read on to learn more about how teeth whitening works and how you can make sure that your results last as long as possible…

Does teeth whitening work?

There are many teeth whitening treatments available, but in order to achieve quick and effective results, it is advisable that you visit your dentist for a professional treatment. During the whitening process, your dentist will apply a whitening gel to your teeth, which is activated by a blue LED light. This light is applied three times at 15-minute intervals. After the whitening process is complete, you can expect your teeth to look eight to ten shades lighter.

In the first day or so after treatment, be sure to avoid dark foods and drinks. Consider sticking to a diet of light, non-acidic foods immediately following your procedure — some good options include cauliflower, milk, tofu, plain yoghurt, potatoes and rice.

How long do results last?

Although each patient is different, most people can expect the results of their in-office whitening treatment to last between one and three years. It is important, however, to maintain proper oral hygiene during this time and to see your dentist for regular check-ups and cleans.

In order to extend the longevity of your results, it is advisable that you don’t smoke. Tobacco is one of the leading cause of stains and discolouration. You might also find it helpful to limit your consumption of foods and drinks that can cause stains —these include coffee, wine, chocolate, dark fruits and berries, and dark and red sauces. If you do enjoy some of these foods or drinks, be sure to rinse your mouth with water afterwards. You might consider a touch-up whitening treatment every six months or so, but your dentist will advise you when this is necessary.

Who is suited to the treatment?

Ideal candidates for teeth whitening treatment are individuals who have noticed some stains and discolouration, but who have good overall oral health. Surface stains can be effectively treated with a whitening treatment, but if discolouration is caused by decay or trauma, these issues will need to be addressed prior to a cosmetic procedure.

Yellow teeth generally respond better to bleaching than brown or grey teeth. The treatment is not recommended for those who have crowns or tooth-coloured fillings as the whitening gel will not change the shade of these materials.

If you have stains that cannot be resolved with a whitening treatment, your dentist may recommend that you have dental veneers placed instead. Dental veneers are thin porcelain shells that are designed to fit over the front surface of the teeth and can be used to conceal a range of imperfections, including chips, cracks, misalignment and unevenness.

How can we help?

At Ironside Advanced Dental, we offer a range of cosmetic treatments, including professional teeth whitening. If you are concerned about the appearance of your smile because of stains and discolouration on the surface of your teeth, we encourage you to come in and see us for a consultation.

We offer a procedure known as Zoom! Whitening. The procedure is done in one appointment, following an earlier appointment to clean your teeth and prepare for the whitening treatment, and a follow up appointment is made to review the effect of whitening on your teeth. If you would like to find out more about the treatment that we offer and what it involves, please have a look here. To book an appointment with Professor Jim Ironside, please get in touch here or give us a call on (02) 9267 3495.  We look forward to welcoming you to our practice and helping to improve the appearance of your smile.